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Dr Poh Zhongxian, Adrian

Family Medicine • GP

In-Person, Health screening, Healthier SG

English, Mandarin, Hokkien, Malay

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Dr Adrian Poh is dually trained in Family Medicine and Internal Medicine, and also received 3 years of Advanced Specialty Training in Gastroenterology. He holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine and a Masters in Medicine (Internal Medicine). Dr Poh is also an elected member of the Royal College of Physicians (RCP, Edinburgh), Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (RCPS, Glasgow), and College of Family Physicians (CFPS, Singapore).

He is an accredited Family Physician registered with the Family Physicians Accreditation Board (MOH) and CFPS.

With 2 decades worth of experience, Dr Poh has seen much in his clinical practice. Both in the public and private sectors. His unique insight and vast experience earned him several clinical and service excellence awards.

Dr Poh also spends time tutoring medical undergraduates from Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine NUS and Duke-NUS, as well as Family Medicine and Internal Medicine residents from NUHS and SGH respectively.

He is still active as an Adjunct Lecturer and Adjunct Clinical Educator appointments with Yong Loo Lin and Lee Kong Chian Schools of Medicine at NUS and NTU respectively.

Perhaps one of his defining achievements, Dr Poh has held competitive grants in Hepatitis B and Hepatocellular Carcinoma research, and is also published in the fields of Family Medicine, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Rheumatology and Medical Education.

His research in the field of Gastroenterology has won multiple awards. Due to this recognition, Dr Poh has been invited to speak at local and international Gastroenterology research conferences in Singapore, Germany, and the USA.

  • MBBS (Singapore)
  • GDFM (Singapore)
  • MCFP (Singapore)
  • MRCP (Edinburgh)
  • MRCPS (Glasgow)
  • M.Med Internal Medicine (Singapore)